Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend Wrap Up

things that made the weekend great
  • having a long weekend
  • lazy Saturday morning
  • going to a wedding Saturday evening; congrats Jarrod and Althea
  • Madison dancing the night away at the wedding
  • baby shower #2 on Sunday
  • finally getting a new grill on Monday
  • testing the grill out Monday night with some steaks

things that made the weekend not so great
  •  seeing where the tornado hit in Indiana  (it was a little scary)
  • my ankles swelling up for the first time at the wedding
  • the weather being a little too hot for me
  • not being at the Indy 500 this year

Friday, May 27, 2011

35 week photo session

Today was my 35 week check up and they did an ultrasound to see about how big she was and to make sure everything was hunky dory.  Which it is and we're happy to report that she is about 6 lbs. and 2 oz.  They are guessing that she's going to be a little of 8 lbs. when she's born.  The count down is officially on!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer school...are you joking?

These words came right out of Madison's mouth yesterday, "I may get invited to go to summer school this summer for reading."  Invited?  Must be some kind of summer reading extra credit program I thought.  So I asked if she got any papers from school about it....nope.  No biggie, I'll just email the teacher in the morning.

So this morning I emailed the teacher and, yep, summer school.....and not the good kind that I was thinking of.  As soon as I read her email a slurry of emotions hit me (don't forget to add on the pregnancy hormones in the mix too).  The first thought that went though my head was, she's had A's and B's all school year in all her subject.  How in the H-E double hockey stick is she being thrown into summer school?  Then I immediately threw my anger at the teacher.....she's never had an issue before...why now?  Is she not doing her job?  I've talked to several other parents and they haven't been happy with her performance either.  I know one mother even got their kid moved to a different class, after winter break!  We do her reading homework at home, I've bought the "trendy" books for her to read to keep her interest.  She's reading books that she should be reading.  She even got to go to a special reading party yesterday for meeting her goal for AR.  What is going on?!?!?

Then I took a breather and reread the email.  Then the next wave of emotions flew through me.  Was I not doing enough with her at home?  I can't believe I missed this!  Were there signs that I ignored?  Did she have a learning disability that no one had caught yet?  Deep breathe.  I'm sure there's always something more we could have done at home....there's always something more.  I don't think I missed the warning signs.  I know that she speeds though her reading and I'm constantly on her about slowing down and taking her time.  I make her reread chapters if she didn't understand them.  I did what I should have there.  And of course she doesn't have a learning disability....that was a cop out on my part. 

I know I've heard on multiple occasions that third grade is the most important time when it comes to reading and comprehension and it's often times the most difficult.  Well, for Madison she's got the reading down, she's actually great at it, just not the comprehension.  Fine.  She needs summer school.  While I'm less than pleased that it's the end of the year and there's now a big red flag being flown in my face, I do recognize that it's better now than a few years from now when she's really struggling.  But if it's just because she's reading too fast or not giving her full attention to a book...does she really need summer school to correct that?  Maybe she does.

Okay, research time.  If she's actually to the point that she need summer school, maybe we need to take it one step further.  I took a look at Sylvan and Huntington.  The lady at Huntington pissed me off when we first stared talking, but the lady at Sylvan wasn't very informative.  Both have their pros and cons in my eyes, but I'm still considering at least trying it out this summer.  Of course I'll be dragging an infant along too, which I'm non too pleased about.  And Madison will have summer school on top of the extra tutoring.  But by the beginning of 4th grade she should be at or above where she needs to be.  Looks like the hubster and I will be having a good long talk about what we are going to do tonight.  Sigh. 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekend Success

things that made the weekend great
  • saturday morning softball game
  • picking up lots of necessities for Layla (I was starting to get panicky)
  • putting the glidder rocker together and enjoying it's comfort
  • date night with the hubster
  • getting one good night's sleep
  • church Sunday morning (with all the running around I haven't been in awhile)
  • planning out this week's meals and having everything I need to make them (we have lots going on this week, so this makes me feel better)
  • finally breaking down and purchasing an ice cream attachment for my KitchanAid mixer

things that made the weekend not so great
  •  dealing with Casey's uber grouchy mood Saturday morning (can we say nicotine/caffeine freak out?)
  • the hotter-than-expected weather on Saturday (I did not dress accordingly)
  • having acid reflux ALL day on Sunday

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Shower No. 1

I'm about a month late on posting this, but better late than never I suppose.  Casey's Aunt Kim and cousin Hillary threw me a wonderful baby shower in April.  It was held at my Mother-in-law's house, AKA  Momma Lo and everything went very smoothly.  The food was amazing (as always) and we received some awesome gifts!  All-in-all a very enjoyable day with some amazing people.

A weekend at home

**Sorry no photos**

things that made the weekend great
  • getting a phone call saying that my glidder for the nursery is in (6 weeks early...still need to get it though)
  • going to the most beautiful, over-the-top wedding on Saturday; Congrats to Ryan and Leea
  • seeing some friends who we have neglected for far too long
  • being at home
  • going to Madison's softball game (always enjoy those)
  • having a completely lazy day on Sunday

things that made the weekend not so great
  •  staying out a little later than anticipated on Saturday = a super tired Sunday
  • having to drive to the middle of nowhere for Madison's game
  • running late for the wedding and missing the actual wedding; but made it to the reception

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

things that made the weekend great

  • waking up to breakfast in bed for Mother's day
  • receiving a dutch oven and a Pandora bead for Mother's day
  • reading the card that Madison got me and it made me tear up
  • going to Hillary's bridal shower
  • playing a quick game of Scattergories
  • watching the Derby on tv

things that made the weekend not so great
  •  more driving
  • wishing I was at the Derby instead of watching it on tv

Thursday, May 5, 2011

32 weeks

How many weeks?:   32 weeks (8 more to go!)                        

The third trimester....what have you been experiencing?: Well since it's been 6 weeks since I've done one of these...you could say a lot!  Most recently I've been experiencing some acid reflux...let me tell you, it's not much fun!  At first I thought it was something I ate, but after multiple days of it and a little research I've discovered that it's my uterus pushing my stomach up and not giving much room for anything....and thus the acid goes up.  Also I had a night of excruciating gas pains!  I laid down for awhile, that didn't help, then I got up and walked around and that made it worse.  I seriously thought I was going into labor, but the pain was so strong and came out of nowhere that I thought surely I wasn't in labor...labor is gradual.  The pain finally subsided, but with the some unfortunate gas releases that my husband had to sit though.  TMI?!?  Maybe....but this is one of those "ugly" moments of pregnancy. I've also been noticing some Braxton Hicks lately and my energy has plummeted!

What preparations have you made for the arrival of Miss Layla?: Right now I'm trying to get everything washed, but we are quickly running out of room.  The closet is packed with clothes and the changing table (which has 2 drawers in it) is also packed.  AND I still have 3 tubs of clothes in the garage that need to be washed and about 3 gift bags full of items from my baby shower that need to be washed. One thing is for sure...this little girl is going to have more outfits than she can wear!  Every time I wash another load, Casey just shakes his head.  Hahaha!  He has no idea!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's a dog fight!

Yes you saw correctly....two dogs.  And yes, correct again, we only own one. And no, they aren't really fighting.....they're just playing.  So why are there two dogs in my living room playing?  Well, we are unexpectedly dog sitting Shiloh (Peyton's sister) for a very dear friend on mine.

This all started Sunday morning on our way home this past weekend.  I received a voice mail from Calista, my dear friend, saying that their baby boy had come two weeks early and that he was having a few breathing difficulties and was on a ventilator.  I was both happy and a little worried for her, though she didn't sound too overly concerned in her voice mail.  I had every intentions of visiting with her that evening, but was completely wiped out and decided to make the trip the next day.

The next day I received another phone call from her, but was able to talk this time.  She said that they did an x-ray on their baby boy and he had a hole in his lung which is what was causing all the issues.  The hospital said their was nothing else they could do there and that they were transferring him to Kosair's Childrens Hospital.  My heart broke for her!  After a long conversation with all the details I willingly volunteered to watch their dog, Shiloh.  Shiloh and Peyton have been around each other a handful of times so I wasn't worried about there being an issue with them getting along.  Plus, I figured it would be better for Shiloh to be able to roam around and be around people instead of kenneled up for an unknown time frame.

The dogs have actually been really good.  They play for a couple minutes (like in the video above), a few times a day, but other than that, it's business as usual at the homestead.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Recap

things that made the weekend great
  • Baby shower for my dear friend Katie (we're three weeks apart)
  • having a cook out with some great friends
  • Madison's softball team winning their first game (they're now 1-2)
  • a beautiful day on Saturday (I have flip flop tan lines on my feet..hehehe)
  • having some super delicious french toast Sunday morning made by Madison

things that made the weekend not so great
  •  rushing home Sunday morning to get to Madison's softball practice
  • Madison's practice being canceled as soon as we got home
  • realizing that I've gained a few lbs. after seeing photos (sad face)

(On a side note, I know I've been HORRIBLE about posting....I'm going to try really hard to get back into it!)