Thursday, February 24, 2011

22 weeks

How many weeks?:   22 weeks 
Have you noticed any changes lately?: Other than my belly getting bigger, my hair has grown a lot.  I'm in desperate need of a hair cut but I'm at the point where I don't know what I want to do with it.  Just a trim?  Chop it off?  Some highlights?  (I go to an Aveda salon, and their hair dye is up to 99% awesome is that?!?) Oh, decision, decision!
Have you decided on a name yet?: Well, we did have a name picked out; Lilly Rae.  BUT...I keep hearing that name more and more and I have vetoed it out!  The hubster and I have been throwing some names around.  We have a list and I think we've narrowed it down, but I'm not telling until we've officially decided. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Could she be a "Modern" Miss Manny??

We are big fans of ABC's Modern Family in our household!  And anyone who is a fan of this show knows of the charming character, Manny.  Well, it was brought to our attention recently that our daughter could very well turn out to be a female version of the looks and build department anyway.

Consider this, growing up, my husband was, well....let's just call him husky.  He was always "bigger" than other kids his age; height wise and width.  And his head was always (and still is) slightly larger than normal.  Thus.....

And then if you take my skin tone and dark features, you would get the latina-like "look" with my hubby's build.  Oh dear, this really is a possibility of how our daughter could look.  If this is the case, I may have to invest in some coffee for the little one so she can follow in Manny's footsteps.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ahhh chooo!

The closet is slowly, very slowly coming along.  I did a little sanding with a handy dandy sander that I purchased at Lowe's.  Very much the worth the investment!  It didn't take too long, but I did have to take several breaks because it got so dusty....cough cough!

 As you can see, there's lots of dust that needs to be cleaned up!  The vacuum is going to be doing double timer here soon!

 And here's the handy dandy sander that I mentioned.  It has a nice little micro-vacuum attached that obviously didn't do it's job!!

The dust was literally everywhere!  All of the furniture that's still in the office is covered with a layer of dust.  As you can see in the photo here.

So it looks like there will be lots of vacuuming and dusting and wiping walls down before I can start the painting portion.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Taxes and the Nursery...what a combo!

This past weekend was productive and on the other hand, it wasn't.  Saturday we had the fun task of getting our taxes done.  I was looking forward to it, but yet I wasn't.  Casey has been an utter pain in the you know what since January about taxes this year so I was glad to get it over with.

I wasn't looking forward to it, because this is the first year we've had to file with me working for myself and we were very clueless as to what to expect.  In the end, we didn't owe anything (which I was expecting to)!  Whooo hoooo!  We actually got a little bit back, not much, but every little bit helps.  So instead of writing a big 'ole check to the government, I wrote it to the bank and put it on our house payment....cha ching!!!!

After that, I went looking for baby items.  I was really hoping to find some good deals on a crib, but no such luck.  I did however find THE baby crib quilt and bumper.  Here's a sneak peek....

I completely splurged on this, but it's going to be the center attention of the whole room.  I stood in the store talking myself out of buying this and then talking myself back into it.  I'm so glad I decided to buy it, it's been the first time I've seen a set and really loved it.  Now, I can get going on the rest of the nursery.

So, that was the productive part.  The unproductive part was that I didn't get anything done with the closet; we had a surprise visit from the in-laws on Sunday.  (That was the day I was planing on getting the closet done.)   But, I'll take a day with the in-laws over anything else any day!!  My mother-in-law brought over lasagna, salad and bread for a super yummy lunch and we watched the Nascar race....well, the boys did.  To me, there's nothing more boring than watching car drive around and around in a circle...not my cup of tea!

Friday, February 18, 2011

I guess this is really something I want, but it's for the baby.  This year, I really want to grow a garden (I've been saying this for about 2 or 3 years now), but this year I'm going to make it least that's the goal.  I want to grow a garden for a few reasons, 1) food straight from the garden is the best, 2) it's cheaper than purchasing food from the store and 3) I really want to make my own baby food for the baby.

This book really sounds like a good one!  There's tons of information, pretty much everything you need to know about feeding your baby; lots of recipes and how to's on making your own baby food.

Nursery Closet Home Improvements

Well, we have finally moved all of Casey's items out of the closet and into mine.  As well as all of the other misc. items that were stashed in there.  Here's what the closet currently looks like...

The blue wall color will be changed eventually, I still haven't figured out what color scheme I'm going to go with....there's just too many cute options out there!

This is what the inside of the closet looks like.  It's a single bar for clothes some boards on top for storage and some boards on the three side of the interior with nails in these that stick out.  I've never figured out the reason for them.  This closet isn't huge, but it's actually big enough to walk there will be some rearranging coming soon.  

This is a corner shot of the interior of the closet.  Everything will soon be striped out!

This is a picture of the hideous light fixture that is in all of the closets of the house.  I want to change this very badly.  I'm sure I won't be able to convince the hubby of doing this so I'll go with plan B; do it myself (which I've never done any electric work so it may turn into an adventure) or Plan C; wait until my dad comes down and have him do it for me.

My goal (fingers crossed) this weekend is to get the closet finished.....well at least painted.  We will probably install the shelving another weekend.  I'm going to paint the interior of the closet a gray color.  Here's some samples I have up...

The lighting of this picture was a bear to get and doesn't really give a good idea of what the colors really look like.  But I'm leaning towards the top left and top right colors.  They are both very soft grays so they won't make the closet seem smaller than what it really is.

I've already got a small head start.  I took the closet bar down and all the boards, but I believe that I'm going to have a lot more work ahead of me than I anticipated.

 Here's the boards and the bar that I took down as well as my trusty hammer.

As you can see, there is an obvious color difference from where the boards were and the current wall color.  There's also a bump from where someone repainted and the paint was thick by the edges of the boards....lots of sanding coming my way.  (I've already started a little, this project is really going to suck!)

Here's a close up of where the boards are. As you can see, LOTS of little nail holes to fill in!

And who can forget a few large gashes in the wall.  Not a clue how they got there, but regardless, they need to be filled in.

We do have some other things that need to get done this weekend along with running Madison around to her many activities, so we'll see how much we really get done.  :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

21 weeks

How many weeks?:   21 weeks 
How have the emotions been?:  This week they have been all over the place!  It's actually quite comical. This past weekend Casey and I were packing more stuff up in totes and moving them into the garage.  I don't even remember the conversation, but for some reason I got really upset with him.  It was like an out-of-body experience.  I could feel myself get upset for this reason that was not a big deal at all and I was telling myself, "this is stupid to get so upset over"....I just had to walk out of the room and cool off.  I told Casey I was sorry and we chuckled about it later.

On the flip side, if I find something funny.  It's out of control funny.  I get going and I can't stop.  I'll have tears rolling down my face, my sides will hurt so bad from all the laughing and I won't be able to breathe.  I actually peed my pants I got to laughing so hard last week....I can't believe I just admitted that! 
Any food cravings?: Anyone who knows me knows that I don't really have a sweet tooth. I'm definitely a savory kind of gal but man, my sweet tooth has come alive!  I was making a valentine's dinner last weekend and was looking at a random food blog and there was tons of sweet stuff.  My mouth was watering like nobody's business.  Thankfully my dear hubby went to the store and got me some strawberries and I rolled them in some chocolate....sweet tooth crises solved!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh my goodness, how drool-worthy is this ring?  I love everything about it and the fact that it's designer, YSL, makes me want it that much more!  Babe, if you're reading this post, I would love you forever and forever if this just happened to arrive in the mail!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Project 31: Celebrate Beauty

Day 5.  Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
My husband and I on our wedding day.

Dear Casey,

How appropriate is the timing of this question and today's date?  Happy Valentine's day love!  There are so many things that I want to say and that are flying around in my head as I think about this question and the many ways you really have made my heart come alive. 

First off, I love being your wife.  I love that you really love me unconditionally.  I love that you are a loving father to Madison.  I love that you deal with the drama in my life and that we sit back and laugh at it.  I love that you make me want to be a better person for you.  I love that you make me laugh.  I love you for just being you.  I love that you are an unselfish person.  I love you for the sacrifices that you make for me.  These are just a few of the many, many reasons why I love you and that you have made my heart come alive.

But I think the most obvious and most important reason why you've made my heart come alive, our little bundle of joy that will be here before we even know it.  This baby, in more ways than I realized, has made our relationship even stronger.  We are making huge decisions together for this baby that we haven't even met and it's all because we both are so in love with this little girl. This experience has made you evolve into a parent in more ways than I can count and it really makes me overjoyed.  You are going to be an amazing father and I can't wait to live in those moments with you and watch you interact with your girls.

I want to thank you for coming into my life.  Without you I wouldn't be the person I am today.  I love you with all my heart and I'm so looking forward to the next six months of our lives.

Much love,
Your wife

Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2.  What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4.  Style 31.  Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5.  Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6.  Jaded beauty.  Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7.  Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8.  Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)?  Share, please!
Day 9.  What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10.  What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11.  Post a recipe.  Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12.  Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13.  Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14.  Style 31.  Post an outfit pic!
Day 15.  Write to encourage a friend.  Inspire her beauty.
Day 16.  Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life.  Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17.  Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18.  Describe your personality.
Day 19.  Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20.  Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.  
Day 21.  Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22.  What are some needs that need to be met in your community?  Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?
Day 24.  What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25.  Style 31.  Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26.  What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27.  Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28.  Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29.  Write about "a day in the life of me."  (Pics are great!)
Day 30.  Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31.  Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!

Friday, February 11, 2011

 How cute is this stuff?!?!  I could easily buy every single piece that Witchery makes...absolutely adorable!  The only down side is, little Miss Hanlon is going to have to wait a couple years before she can fit into this clothing line.  But her big sister sure can!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

20 weeks

How many weeks?:   20 weeks....holy cow, I'm half way there! 
How are your clothes fitting now-a-days?:  Tightly!  I've already had to up the bra size and I'm not very happy about it; my husband on the other hand is.  I've had to pack up 3/4 of my wardrobe and still the clothes I do have are becoming less and less wearable. The belly bands that I got for Christmas are coming in handy, but I'm afraid that I may have to retire them soon.  Look our maternity pants...I'm coming your way!
How is your energy?: So much better!  I can actually stay up till 9pm now.  Not a huge accomplishment, but it's still an accomplishment.  I like to try to get as much sleep as humanly possibly cause as soon as the little one gets here, it's all over!

Have you started on the nursery?: Yes and no.  We successfully added some clothing racks to my closet and we've moved the majority of Casey's clothes into it.  The nursery closet is now 1/2 empty...we're working in baby steps.  I went looking at baby items the other day and WOW, everything is so expensive!  I forgot just HOW much everything was!  But I am going to a giant consignment sale here in a couple weeks and I'm hoping to score some items there...fingers crossed!

Project 31: Celebrate Beauty

Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?

Picking just one person is so hard!  But I think off the top of my head it would probably be one of my dear friends, Katie.  She is also a current preggo!  :)

Katie is the type of person who as they get older seems to get prettier - on the outside and on the inside.

You know how men typically get older and better looking, a la George Clooney? Katie is that way but in a girl version!  Seriously, I know plenty of women, this one included, that would kill to have genetics like hers!  I swear the girl has no wrinkles at all, her hair is always perfect, she can go out in public without any makeup on and look flawless and I am willing to bet, even after having one child, and another on the way, not a single stretch mark.  The chick is seriously a freak of nature!

On top of that, she always has a super bubbly personality that you just want to hang out with all the time, the patience of a saint and the hostess mentality that people would pay to learn.  Plus, she is a fabulous mother.  Her current toddler has the manners and temperament that I wish a lot of adults had!  (No joke!)

This girl is beautiful from head to toe and I'm so very grateful to have her in my life!  Anyone would be grateful of that!!

Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2.  What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4.  Style 31.  Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5.  Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6.  Jaded beauty.  Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7.  Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8.  Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)?  Share, please!
Day 9.  What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10.  What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11.  Post a recipe.  Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12.  Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13.  Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14.  Style 31.  Post an outfit pic!
Day 15.  Write to encourage a friend.  Inspire her beauty.
Day 16.  Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life.  Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17.  Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18.  Describe your personality.
Day 19.  Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20.  Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.  
Day 21.  Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22.  What are some needs that need to be met in your community?  Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?
Day 24.  What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25.  Style 31.  Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26.  What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27.  Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28.  Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29.  Write about "a day in the life of me."  (Pics are great!)
Day 30.  Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31.  Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have two weddings this wedding season and I'm going to need a dress.  One is in May and is formal and the other in June and it's outside.  So when it comes to a dress I need something versatile.  This Sleeveless Belter Maternity Maxi Dress isn't exactly formal, but I will be extremely pregnant so I think I may be able to get away with it.  For the wedding in June, this would be perfect!  It's a tank top, so I won't be completely misserable....yeah right, who am I kidding....and it's long, so I can hide my swollen cankles.  Plus it has a super cute criss-cross in the back. BONUS! And I'm thinking that I maybe able to pull this off after the baby is born too.....maybe.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Inspiration Board: Trendy Flowers

  1. PS Maskros by IKEA
  2. My Baby Sam Wall Hanger Letter on Amazon
  3. Lucy by Target
  4. Rows and Rows of Roses by Land of Nod
  5. Devon Mirror by Z Gallerie
  6. Felicia by IKEA
  7. Tadpoles Tulle Curtains by Babies R Us
  8. Lulu rug by Angela Adams

Project 31: Celebrate Beauty


Day 2  What makes you uniquely you?

Uniquely me?  Hmmm.....  Well, I don't think there's just one thing that is unique about me, I think it's more of a unique combination of different things.  Here's a few tidbits:
  •  I love to cook, but I'm a bad baker.  I'm working on the baking thing though.
  • I love, love, love what I do for a living.  There's nothing better than designing!
  • While I love what I do, I'm constantly dreaming up bigger things.
  • I can't leave my hair the same.  It's either growing out, being cut or dyed.

Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2.  What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4.  Style 31.  Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5.  Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6.  Jaded beauty.  Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7.  Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8.  Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)?  Share, please!
Day 9.  What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10.  What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11.  Post a recipe.  Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12.  Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13.  Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14.  Style 31.  Post an outfit pic!
Day 15.  Write to encourage a friend.  Inspire her beauty.
Day 16.  Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life.  Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17.  Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18.  Describe your personality.
Day 19.  Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20.  Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.  
Day 21.  Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22.  What are some needs that need to be met in your community?  Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?
Day 24.  What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25.  Style 31.  Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26.  What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27.  Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28.  Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29.  Write about "a day in the life of me."  (Pics are great!)
Day 30.  Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31.  Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Project 31: Celebrate Beauty

I was  going through my morning blogs that I subscribe to and this post titled Project 31: Celebrate Beauty really caught my attention.  She Breathes Deeply is blogging for 31 straight days and answering the questions below on the list; one each day.  The concept is based off of Proverbs 31.

I love this concept so much that I'm going to do the same.  :)


Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you?
Day 2.  What makes you uniquely you?
Day 3.  Who is someone you know who inspires beauty?
Day 4.  Style 31.  Post a pic of you in your favorite outfit.
Day 5.  Write a blog thanking someone who has made your heart come alive.
Day 6.  Jaded beauty.  Has the world's definition of beauty ever jaded you?
Day 7.  Write a blog to encourage another beautiful woman.
Day 8.  Have a beauty secret (e.g. hair tip, make up tip)?  Share, please!
Day 9.  What virtues do you value in yourself?
Day 10.  What is Jesus teaching you as a wife, mom, or friend? (Or just woman in general?)
Day 11.  Post a recipe.  Or if you don't cook, try a new recipe and write about how it turned out (pictures please!).
Day 12.  Write about what wears you out as a woman.
Day 13.  Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.
Day 14.  Style 31.  Post an outfit pic!
Day 15.  Write to encourage a friend.  Inspire her beauty.
Day 16.  Write a letter to your daughter, or a young girl in your life.  Tell her what beauty means.
Day 17.  Write about 3 things that make you happy.
Day 18.  Describe your personality.
Day 19.  Write about your favorite comfort food (we are women- we ALL have comfort food!)
Day 20.  Write about your job and why you love it or hate it.  
Day 21.  Write a letter to your husband to encourage him (or if you are single- your future husband.)
Day 22.  What are some needs that need to be met in your community?  Blog about how to extend your hand to those who need you.
Day 23.  What are your strengths?  What are your weaknesses?
Day 24.  What is Jesus teaching you presently?
Day 25.  Style 31.  Post a pic of your favorite comfy clothes.
Day 26.  What do you hope your grandchildren will say about you someday when you are gone?
Day 27.  Write a blog to encourage someone and build their confidence!
Day 28.  Write about your insecurities as a woman.
Day 29.  Write about "a day in the life of me."  (Pics are great!)
Day 30.  Who is your role model as a woman?
Day 31.  Write about your dreams and goals as a beautiful woman!

Day 1.  What does beauty mean to you? 

I think our society screams, I mean really screams, and forces our brain to automatically think of beauty as the tall thin, flawless beauty that is always perfectly put together from her hair, to her outfit to her nails.  BUT I am very happy to share, that that's not what came to mind immediately to me when I read the question.  I immediately thought of inner beauty first.

So what does beauty mean to me?  I think it can be summed up in one word, Love.  If you're a loving person then you posses some amazing qualities that are truly beautiful. One of my favorite scriptures really sums is up; 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13.

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous;
love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly;
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails...But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. 

Can you think of anything more beautiful than love?  It's one of those amazing things in life that is so complex but at the same time, it's so simple.  It's truly a breath taking feeling that anyone can posses. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bring on the giant girly headpieces!!!!  I just stumbled upon this shop on Etsy.  There are a lot of super cute headpieces, like this one.  I am going to have to learn how to make these, other wise I'm going to be spending lots of mulah!!!  LOL

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Inspiration Board: Modern Glam

Now that I know we are having a girl, I've been trying to decide how to decorate the nursery room.  I've been finding lots of great stuff, but keep forgetting where.  So.....I'm going to start collecting their locations and put them on some inspiration boards.  The first: Modern Glam

  1. Tadpoles Basic Solid Yellow Drapes by Target
  2. Mia Chandelier by Pottery Bar Kids
  3. Westbrook Swingarm Wall Sconce by ELK Lighting
  4. Angelique Mirror by Z Gallerie
  5. Birkeland Dresser by IKEA
  6. Skip Hop Flower Burst by Modern Nursery
  7. Rose Pillow by Z Gallerie
  8. Swivel Glider by Land of Nod

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A new addition to my kitchen

For Christmas this year, my dear hubby went all out for me.  :)  I got the one thing I really wanted; a new refrigerator.  And I got to pick out the one I wanted! *Happy dance.  I knew exactly what I wanted, a french door refrigerator.  I went to three different stores looking and chatting it up with sales people.  I got print outs of all the ones I was interested and compared notes and at the end of the day, I decided that I didn't want a french door refrigerator.  There were a couple reasons: 1) We have a baby on the way and with the freezer on the bottom, I can foresee her opening it up and never shutting it which will result in lots of spoiled goods. 2) My husband really wanted an ice and water dispenser on the outside, as did I, and the french doors with this option was out of our price range. 

So, back to the drawing board I went.  This time I went to all the stores again and chatted it up with the sales people, again, but this time about the side by side refrigerator/freezer.  I found lots of great ones!  Finally, I found the one; at the scratch and dent store....whoohooo!!!  There were only a few dents on the side, and the majority of them would be covered by our cabinets.  So I told the hubby and.....we put it off and we put it off!  Then late last week, I went to buy it, and it was GONE!!!  Arggghh....they had one that was the same model, but there were all kinds of scratches on the outside.  Luckily, the gentleman that was at the store told me that at their main store they were having a huge sales and that I should check it out.  So that's what I did.  After awhile of looking around, I found it.  It was the perfect refrigerator; everything I wanted.  It was standing there as though the heavens had opened and light was poring down on it as angels sang!  The best part, it was only $20 more than the one from the scratch and dent store....SCORE!

Well, Friday, it was delivered.  The old one went to the garage and the new one in it's spot in the kitchen.  The amount of space I have is insane!  I'm so flippin' happy.  I literally hugged the new appliance when the delivery people left. (Below are the before and after photos.)

Old fridge

New fridge